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60 minutes   $75

90 minutes  $110

Structural Integration

Ida Rolf's Structural Integration/10 Series & Advanced Work 

Structural Integration is a powerful process of transforming the structures of the body that promotes health, releases pain and frees emotions and energy.


Body Work

Connective Tissue Massage

Uses techniques of Structural Integration for the rapid and effective removal of restrictions and pain.

British Sports Therapy

Combines pressure with movement t0 remove damage that causes pain.


Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger points are tender spots in the muscles that, when activated, are related to 80% of the pain in the body.

Activated Isolated Stretching

Facilitated stretching that releases tight muscles such as those found in the neck and shoulder from too much computer work or tight hamstrings and quads from sports training or injuries.

Assisted Muscle and Joint Release

Light touch therapy that unlocks the body's own wisdom and unwinds muscle tension and damage.


The application of appropriate pressure to specific points and areas on the hands or feet in order to improve the recipient's health.

Energy Work

Energywork creates health and well-being through using Source energies.


Reiki is a form of spiritual healing using "universal life energy" to help harmonize body, mind and spirit.

Reconnective Healing

Is considered to be able to reconnect us to the universe and to our very essence not just through a new set of healing frequencies, but through possibly an entirely new bandwidth.

Zero Point Energy

The Amega wand focuses zero point energy in order to balance the body's chi, speed the healing process, and amp up the immune system. 


By using the Light of Creation, Biogenesis tools restore harmony to all areas of your life.

Oneness Blessing

The Oneness Blessing is a transfer of universal energy for the activation and awakening of individuals to help them expand their consciousness and experience the state of Oneness.

There is no charge for the Blessing and it can be added to any session. 

Soma Center Services
By Appointment Only
2723 Foxcroft Rd    Suite 315    Little Rock    Arkansas    72227

501-258-1899         Chris@SomaCenterLittleRock.com